
Magic of Gratitude

The Perfect Getaway

Our family adventure to the Panna and Bandhavgarh Tiger Reserves felt like stepping into a vivid mosaic of the wild, with thrilling wildlife encounters, serene jungle retreats, and precious family moments. We set off on our journey filled with anticipation, the dense forest of Panna greeting us with its thick, fragrant air and the distant calls of wildlife adding to our excitement. As we embarked on our first safari, the jungle slowly revealed its secrets. Our hearts raced as we spotted a mother tiger resting while her playful cubs played in the water—a scene straight out of a nature documentary. The cubs frolicked around their siblings, embodying the pure joy and vitality of life in the wild. In a rare and thrilling sight, a Komodo dragon slithered into view, its ancient form a living relic against the lush backdrop. The air was alive with the vibrant colors and sounds of countless birds. Owls with their haunting hoots, vultures soaring gracefully overhead, beautiful peacocks dancing

"Wanderlust and Camaraderie: Unleashing Empowerment Through Travel"

Planning my first all-women's international trip was a journey in itself. Initially, my mind was a whirlwind of contemplation. Could I really step away from my responsibilities at home—my family, my kids, my work? It felt almost impossible to prioritize myself over these demands. But with loads of encouragement from my husband and a leap of faith, I decided to take the plunge. As I joined the group of incredible women on a trip to Georgia , I realized how much I had been craving this experience. Each day was a lesson in embracing life and learning from others. Urvashi's leadership left me deeply impressed; she effortlessly guided us, bringing the group together with her wisdom, wit, and invaluable wellness tips. Age is just a number, a sentiment beautifully echoed by Saddo Aapa, our cutest and most energetic elderly companion. Anuradha Di’s exceptional group management and Rehana Aapa’s nurturing care were invaluable. Finni Di’s grace added elegance to every interaction, whil
# Whispering Raindrops The intense heat of May and June has a massive impact on humans, plants, animals, and work in general. As we struggle with heat exhaustion, heatstroke, discomfort and fatigue, we also eagerly await the arrival of the monsoon. The rain brings with it a sense of hope, happiness, and gratitude. As the dark clouds gathered and the first drops of rain fell, I could feel a surge of joy and anticipation within me. The parched earth eagerly soaked up the rain, transforming the barren land into a vibrant tapestry of life. I marveled  at the resilience of nature, which teaches me the lesson of hope. No matter how dry and desolate life may seem, the rain of hope can bring forth new beginnings and revitalization. I would often spend my days reading, writing and of course exploring the blooms in my green zone by observing the miracles that unfolds during the monsoon. I notice how the flowers bloom, paint the landscape with their vibrant hues. The freshly washed leaves

The woman that I am

Born in a family which welcomed the birth of a girl child whole heartedly, I considered myself lucky to have enjoyed the girlhood stage of my life. Staying in the northern part of the country most of my life, I often witnessed gender discrimination in the neighborhood families. The anti-girl attitude was tough to understand especially when my sister and I were never made to feel unimportant by our parents. Our mother was subjected to sympathy from the women around for having two daughters and she was also constantly advised to have a third child who may happen to be a son. In my growing years I even heard women saying that I hope I give birth to a son, even if he turns out to be a goon later, I won’t be subjected to the pressure from the family to keep producing children till a son is born. Sad but true this attitude has not changed completely. Colourism which is another form of discrimination based on skin tone is so very common and I not being a fair skinned female have enough and

Neighbourhood Super Hero

           I was on my usual trip to the neighborhood market to buy regular groceries. My regular fruit vendor, Chandru would exhibit the best of fruits each time I would visit him. There was a reason why I chose him to others. An observation that made me curious every time I visited his stall.     He would distribute a free seasonal fruit to every kid who visited his stall without fail. A part of his earning from every customer was collected in a different box. So when I paid him Rs 120/- he put Rs 20/- in that other box.  My curiosity couldn’t be controlled and that day I asked him about the two money boxes. He smiled and told me that he gave the collection to an elderly couple who stayed on his way back home. Chandru had lost his only child and parents to Covid due to lack of support. He saw his own child in every kid who visited his stall and his parents in that elderly couple. Life will go on says Chandru…the smile that he misses is found in new faces… I had tears in my eyes and s

My Stress Busters , My saviours !!

Each one of us get 24 hours in a day and it is up to us to spend it as we want. We cannot complain after we have made a wrong choice. I am an early riser by choice and have a well planned daily routine. So, like any other working woman I too ensure  that I balance home and work decently.  Work from home is a blessing for me though it takes away most of my time as it doesn't have a fixed slot. So with so much of hustle bustle through the day around my family n work I do get stressed out. But I have a little rule for myself and that is my ‘Me -Time’ with my stress busters . I have two lovely choices - My Pet and my Plants.                        So Sultan, my Pit bull  is like Mary had a little lamb.. following me everywhere-  from kitchen to any corner of the house as I go about my house chores.Whether it is my daily visit to the temple or to the market, my little buddy tags along everywhere. He even sits through my prayer-time at my 'Mandir' at home everyday and is also se

# Forever & Beyond.......

He sat there with a gloom on his  face… not believing yet again he has been left behind by his beloved family member to go on a trip...                       Sultan , my Pitbull  a sensitive boy that he is, hates it when even one of his family members would go out of station. The sight of the suitcases horrifies him and makes him uneasy.   His world would come crumbling down as soon as he would realize what he feared the most has already happened. He would lie outside the room of his beloved person all day , giving up on food and playtime. He would whine around looking for the missing person and would express his sadness in all possible ways. Such is his emotional display. The others in the house could always see the change in his behavior.  His attachment to his human family is beyond words to express. The unconditional love that he displays is so touching. He has no other motive behind his expressions.    I am particularly taunted by my children as they always say," But Maa, he

# The Unconditional Love

I n the backyard of my Mother's house grew many Jackfruit trees. The fruit laden trees are fascinating to look at as such heavy fruits hang up their in bunches and the weight is born so easily by the branches.       Upon visiting the grandparents house my son would want to climb the trees around. This kind of luxury was missing in metro cities. My mother was all support for him and even identified trees which he could climb. Shash was always drawn by the wonders of nature present in this house. He would keep himself busy observing bees, beetles and butterflies. He loved the centipedes and the millipedes and not to miss the giant spiders. He asked numerous questions to his grandmother about the old well in the house. A creative kid that he always was ,once he picked a few jackfruit leaves and kept looking at them enthusiastically . The fresh leaf was bright green in colour with deep visible veins. The leaf when shed turned into tan brown colour,the completely dried leaf would be da

# Nourishing Immunities

 It was a regular Sunday morning and I had been chilling at my mother's beautiful house in Kerala. There was a reminder on my phone about a session on "Building immunity in challenging times' which I did not want to miss.  Its so true that immunity is not just for physical nourishment but also for the mental & emotional strengthening.  Each day reading & hearing news related to the loss of lives and the trauma thereafter due to the pandemic has been overwhelming. Sharing genuine & complete information with the doctor whom one consults helps in finding a proper solution.  'During these testing times trauma is also caused due to misplaced beliefs', said Dr Harsh a soft spoken and straight forward Physician.  He matched  completely with  Sundari's views  when she said, 'Listen to your own body before rushing out for a quick fix remedy as coming out of denial  is the first step to acceptance.'  Sundari was the charming bright eyed therapist who

# Shades of Colours......The divine white angel in the dark grey clouds...

  A friend shared this picture with me this morning-an amazing click. The shades of clouds has its own story to tell and so do the patterns that I see in them. The dark grey clouds are the angry ones ready to burst out anytime. They say that the ecological balance is all disturbed by human encroachments. I shall not deny that as in the past few years we have been witness to vast destructions caused by natural calamities. The colours of the clouds are many. The light blue shade displays calmness amidst of the threatening dark ones. The blue shade is the one which  as if is asking us to have faith and keep our calm. I am reminded of the good Samaritans who appear from nowhere to take charge when Mother Nature is at its worst. The good souls exist in the worst of surroundings. The Blue clouds are the good souls. The fury of nature is uncontrollable and so is the magic of prayers. I somehow see a white patch in the shape of a divine white angel with a wand flying against the direction

# Down the Memory Lane with Orange Candies, Easy Chair & Jackfruit Leaf Spoon

As I sit in the ancestral house made by Dadaji and  inherited by my  mother ,I can re-live many fond memories. So, there is a very old traditional Easy Chair kept in the corner of the room where I sit to work. I was always fascinated by this traditional looking thing. One can sit, sleep, dream  on it so comfortably.            I vividly remember how Dadaji  would sit  all day long reading and  dozing  on this old but amazingly comfortable E asy Chair  after he retired .  Besides the easy chair the other not to miss items possessed by Dadaji were the latest edition of the magazine- India Today ,a hand held magnifying lens  and  the tempting orange candies .  As kids we, his grandchildren would always eye all his possessions which he was very possessive about. Later his great grand children too had the same desires like us.   Dadaji was a very simple human being with minimal expectations from any of his family members. He lived almost to complete his century. The very soft spoken and

# The setting sun....

The evening here gets pleasant  with the cool breeze and what better could it be when the river is flowing just across the fence. I couldn't sit and watch anymore from my room and quickly picked up my mask, keys and the mobile phone and headed towards my favorite place here at 'The Health Village' -the bench close to the fence overlooking the river.                The sound of the water, the flowing weeds ,the clouds with the  artistic patterns and the setting sun.. .I was once again so lost in the beauty of this heavenly place. The frantically chirping birds were returning back to their nests. The grazing cows on the other side of the river were heading back home. The fishermen had anchored their boats too. The clouds in the sky could be seen playing hide and seek with the setting sun ... The setting sun  was an indicator to all. Pause before you restart.  What begins will have to end and what ends will have a new beginning... The setting sun gives us hope to look forwar

# The Butterflies, Bees & the Wild Yellow Flowers

Growing amidst trees of Guvava, Sapota (Chikku), Coconut, Jackfruit & Mango, I noticed the Wild Yellow Flowers had its own charm, one couldn't let go.                                     Sitting in my balcony, I couldn't  help gazing at them every now & then, Mother nature had given them all the beauty to bloom time & again... The Butterflies & the Bees don't discriminate , I see, They enjoyed the nectar from the  flowers of  Orchid, Rose & Poppy...           Soon they flocked around lovingly on the Wild Yellow Flowers , With the same interest and remained on them for hours & hours... The Wild Yellow Flowers stood tall & with pride, As if saying-I have my own style, I need not hide.... My wishful thinking- Only if humans too would learn to shed off inhibitions & false ego, And live in harmony as the Butterflies, Bees & the Wild Yellow Flowers... I cannot but extend my heartfelt gratefulness to these living beings,  The Magic of Gra

# The Golden Shower- Kani Konna Poovu & Saleem

  The Kani Konna Poovu or the  Golden Shower flowers   or  the  Cassia Fistula (scientific name) blooms as the time for Kerala’s harvest festival, Vishu approaches, which falls on April 14 every year.  It is observed as the New Year falling on the Vernal Equinox. The  Kani Konna Poovu  is popularly used as the part of the “ Vishukkani ”, the ritual first thing seen on Vishu . The  Kani Konna Poovu  is also Kerala’s state flower. So, at The Health Village   in Aluva, Kerala, Valsa & the other staff enthusiastically arranged for the  Vishukkani to be kept in the office. I looked at the flower laden  Golden Shower tree and   at once decided to keep the Vishukkani in my room. After taking support of the staff I managed almost all the needed articles. The only thing left was the  Kani Konna Poovu ( the  Golden Shower flowers). As I sat at the bench overlooking the River Periyar  wondering as to how I would get the  Kani Konna Poovu... That was when  out of no where  Saleem -the n