"Wanderlust and Camaraderie: Unleashing Empowerment Through Travel"

Planning my first all-women's international trip was a journey in itself. Initially, my mind was a whirlwind of contemplation. Could I really step away from my responsibilities at home—my family, my kids, my work? It felt almost impossible to prioritize myself over these demands. But with loads of encouragement from my husband and a leap of faith, I decided to take the plunge.

As I joined the group of incredible women on a trip to Georgia , I realized how much I had been craving this experience. Each day was a lesson in embracing life and learning from others. Urvashi's leadership left me deeply impressed; she effortlessly guided us, bringing the group together with her wisdom, wit, and invaluable wellness tips. Age is just a number, a sentiment beautifully echoed by Saddo Aapa, our cutest and most energetic elderly companion.

Anuradha Di’s exceptional group management and Rehana Aapa’s nurturing care were invaluable. Finni Di’s grace added elegance to every interaction, while Lajjo's compassion and Priya's bubbly personality brought joy to our days. The vibrant energy of young girls like Deepali, Nidhi, Akanksha, and Neerja was infectious. Our journey was enriched by our man Friday, Goga, and the Georgian beauty, Khatia, whose presence added a local flair.

My lovely aunts, Molly and Latha, along with my sister Bindu, added warmth and fun to every moment. This diverse mix of women, each with their unique strengths, created an environment of camaraderie and wanderlust.

Sharing life stories, anecdotes, and wild memories made us a vibrant montage of personalities. Our shared experiences and empathy create a unique bond, empowering and uplifting us in ways only women can.

This trip wasn’t just a getaway; it was a revelation. Life is fleeting, and we owe it to ourselves to seize moments that nurture our souls. The strength I drew from the women around me was profound. They showed me that when we support each other, we become unstoppable. This journey was a celebration of womanhood and a powerful reminder to cherish the beautiful gift of life.

As I reflect on this transformative experience, I am filled with the magic of gratitude. I look forward to many more such trips, resolving to travel once a year, just like this, embracing new adventures and nurturing friendships that enrich my life beyond measure.


  1. Brilliant I completely resonate with what you said- Life is fleeting, and we owe it to ourselves to seize moments that nurture our souls. 👍💐

  2. I guess you just lived what many women yearn for but are unable to achieve. Beautifully expressed.

  3. Now a days women trip is very fascinating ....it develops confidence, feeling of independ nce, decision making, to know more about your strength. Well expressed ma'am.

  4. This is what the new definition of what women want ,wish the Priya mentioned was me …life is all about experiences ..glad to read the one you shared ,cheers to womanhood …

  5. You are a true insipiration to beautiful ladies out there. Love you mam ♥️

  6. Rekha your post is amazing as always. Created an imagery for me. Indeed gratitude is magic. Of all the blessings of the almighty I am grateful for, one of them is to have you in my life. Continue with your posts which are a treat for readers.


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