# The Unconditional Love

I n the backyard of my Mother's house grew many Jackfruit trees. The fruit laden trees are fascinating to look at as such heavy fruits hang up their in bunches and the weight is born so easily by the branches. Upon visiting the grandparents house my son would want to climb the trees around. This kind of luxury was missing in metro cities. My mother was all support for him and even identified trees which he could climb. Shash was always drawn by the wonders of nature present in this house. He would keep himself busy observing bees, beetles and butterflies. He loved the centipedes and the millipedes and not to miss the giant spiders. He asked numerous questions to his grandmother about the old well in the house. A creative kid that he always was ,once he picked a few jackfruit leaves and kept looking at them enthusiastically . The fresh leaf was bright green in colour with deep visible veins. The leaf when shed turned into tan brown colour,the completely dried leaf w...